Bringing the Protective Factors Framework to Life for Michigan’s Families

The Michigan Federation for Children and Families is proud to be partnering with the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services to continue to deliver training developed by Federation member agency leaders who have been certified by the Children’s Trust Fund Alliance to deliver the training, “Bringing the Protective Factors Framework to Life in Your Work.”

These certified trainers developed and continue to refine a Protective Factors curriculum specific to Michigan families, adapting what they have learned about bringing this framework to life in their everyday work.

Through the availability of both recorded webinars and live training events, workers and supervisors in family preservation, foster care—including residential treatment, and adoption agencies can access this specialized training package FREE OF CHARGE.

We proudly recognize the significant contributions of Casey Family Programs and The New Foster Care to Michigan's Protective Factors Initiative. Casey Family Programs generously supported the initial development and implementation, laying a strong foundation for the initiative. The New Foster Care played an instrumental role in sustaining and growing the training initiative, ensuring its continued success and impact. Their combined efforts were pivotal before the Federation's partnership with MDHHS, demonstrating an unwavering commitment to strengthening families in Michigan.

Target audience: Family preservation supervisors who have experience using the Protective Factors Framework in their daily work, have competence in each of the five factors, and would like support in how to integrate this training into supervision

Description: This training addresses how family preservation supervisors can meet their responsibilities as leaders utilizing the Protective Factors Framework. Using this framework, frontline workers can make significant shifts to consistently identify and support Protective Factors in families. The training focuses on three key areas in which all supervisors will learn to introduce workers to the framework through training, support, and reinforcing concepts. This session will prepare participants to be Protective Factors Framework advocates throughout their daily work.

Target audience: Family preservation new and ongoing workers who have completed the Federation’s Protective Factors Introduction webinar

Description: Family preservation new and ongoing workers will learn from expert trainers how to integrate Protective Factors into conversations with families, document in case notes, and use the surveys. This training uses Michigan-specific case examples and policies that can be applied to the day-to-day responsibilities of family preservation staff.

Target audience: Foster care workers and supervisors—including residential treatment, and adoption workers and supervisors.

Description: This training has been developed to empower staff of foster care, including residential treatment, and adoption programs to enhance their ability to support families, focusing on strengthening families and reducing the risk of child abuse and neglect. Attendees will learn how implementing Protective Factors through everyday actions benefits all families and leads to better outcomes for children and families.

Upon completion of training, a certificate of attendance will be issued by the Federation. As such, there is an expectation for active engagement and participation in the live training events.

Protective Factors for Family Preservation Workers

Target audience: Family preservation new and ongoing workers who have completed the Federation’s Protective Factors Introduction webinar.

Protective Factors for Family Preservation Supervisors

Target audience: Family preservation supervisors who have experience using the Protective Factors Framework in their daily work, have competence in each of the five factors, and would like support in how to integrate this training into supervision. 

Protective Factors for Foster Care and Adoption Staff

Target audience: Foster care workers and supervisors—including residential treatment, and adoption workers and supervisors.

Lunch-and-Learn: Documenting Protective Factors in Case Notes & Reports

Workers can use the Protective Factors Framework as safeguards, helping clients who otherwise might be at risk find resources, support, or coping strategies that allow them to parent effectively. In addition, the framework plays a powerful role in case noting and reporting. Documenting risks and protective factors is a strong support for case planning decisions, along with other evidence and a more detailed rationale. It is critical that workers make informed decisions to minimize ineffective efforts and maximize positive impact for clients. This lunch hour workshop will provide front line staff with best practices in documentation, as well as an opportunity to connect with other family preservation workers to share ideas and ask questions.

Lunch-and-Learn: Documenting Protective Factors in Safety Plans

Youth and family safety is basic for any successful intervention. Effective safety planning takes account of both risk and protective factors, demonstrating a commitment to finding signs of safety in the family, home, and community. This lunch hour workshop will provide front line staff with suggestions on implementing protective factors in the development of safety plans with families, best practices in documentation, as well as an opportunity to connect with other family preservation workers to share ideas and ask questions. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD SLIDE DECK

Lunch-and-Learn: Best Practices: Documenting Protective Factors in Family Goals

Youth and family goal development is basic for any successful intervention. As we know the protective factors framework is a research-informed, strengths-based approach where the objective is to help families identify and build on their own protective factors. As we create goals with families, we can highlight how the goal approaches the Protective Factors. This lunch hour workshop will provide front line staff with suggestions on implementing protective factors in the development of goals with families, best practices in documentation, as well as an opportunity to connect with other family preservation workers to share ideas and ask questions.

Lunch-and-Learn: Best Practices: Authentic Partnerships with Parents and Caregivers

Partnering with parents plays a critical role in creating meaningful engagement with families, assessing, and providing services. This lunch and learn will provide us an opportunity to review and discuss how we can use partnering and building authentic relationships to assist with building rapport, presenting, teaching, and assessing the Proactive Factors, and how to deliver the Protective Factors Survey. 


November 9, 2023 12:00 - 1:00 pm: Lunch-and-Learn: Documenting Protective Factors in Safety Plans & Family Goals

January 11, 2024 12:00 - 1:00 pm: Lunch-and-Learn: Documenting Protective Factors in Case Notes & Reports

March 12, 2024 12:00 - 1:00 pm: Lunch-and-Learn: Best Practices: Authentic Partnerships with Parents and Caregivers

May 14, 2024 9:00 - 10:00 am: Breakfast-and-Learn: Documenting Protective Factors in Safety Plans & Family Goals

July 17, 2024 12:00 - 1:00 pm: Lunch-and-Learn: Documenting Protective Factors in Case Notes & Reports

September 18, 2024 9:00 - 10:00 am: Breakfast-and-Learn: Best Practices: Authentic Partnerships with Parents and Caregivers

NOVEMBER 7, 2024 | 12:00 - 1:00 PM: Lunch & Learn: Documenting Protective Factors in Safety Plans

NOVEMBER 21, 2024 | 12:00 - 1:00 PM: Lunch & Learn: Documenting Protective Factors in Case Notes & Reports

DECEMBER 6, 2024 | 9:00 - 10:00 AM: Breakfast & Learn: Authentic Partnerships with Parents and Caregivers